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Uncommon Sense for Sales Teams Seeking Bigger, Better, Faster Sales.

“Too many sales people, even entire sales organizations, work way too hard doing the wrong things for the wrong reasons. Your team may be stuck in a rut doing what they’ve always done, doing what your competitors do, or simply doing too much of what doesn’t work. The net result… You’re making it way too hard for your clients and potential clients to choose you!”

Jill Harrington
Sales Expert, Trainer & Speaker

Is your brain sabotaging your prospecting results?

Free Resource – Take the Pain Out of Prospecting: 5 Smart Steps to New Clients!


Get the Book!

Make sure that you’re the first to get your hands on Jill’s new book, Uncommon Sense, as soon as it’s released! Click below to pre-order.


Today’s market demands a different kind of sales professional.

Technology has forever shifted the buying process. Competition for time, attention and money is fierce, and every seller sounds the same.

SalesSHIFT delivers the “uncommon sense thinking” critical to your teams ongoing success in a changing world. Every salesSHIFT sales system, training lab and conference presentation delivers counterintuitive thinking coupled with the relevant sales skills, tools and strategies required to stand out in the eyes of your important customers and prospects. So that you sell smart. And you sell more.






“Jill is a total game changer. I didn’t know what I didn’t know until after this training. I wish that I would have had this information earlier in my career.” ~ Sales Executive, Softchoice

Does This Sound Like You?

You are hiring fresh new sales reps and you need to see a fast ROI on your hiring investment. Millennials are entering sales positions in droves. Research shows they want to learn the right way fast … from “intelligent experience” … in a fun environment.

Your seasoned sales people are working hard doing what the rest of the industry does and they’ve hit a plateau. What drove their past success no longer works and they are looking for a fresh perspective that will re-energize and motivate them to new levels of sales growth.

Your team is flying high but fierce competition is nipping at the heels of your success. Your sales people are focused on “making the sale” but they’re leaving bigger opportunities on the table for a hungry competitor.

You have support employees who interact with customers daily. You know they have the capability for huge influence on client growth and retention. They simply need the relevant skills, confidence and mindset.

You’re a smart business owner. You know that your “selling” role is essential to your company’s growth. You’ve been through sales training that felt awkward and cheesy. There has to be a better way.

If this sounds like you, we should talk.

For a no obligation, no pressure conversation about you or your sales team, email or call 905-479-3069 today. If we both decide that there’s value in taking a next step then that’s what we’ll do.

And if we don’t…I guarantee that we will both leave the conversation having learned something new and of value to our respective businesses.

Smart Simple Practical Tips That Will

Shift Your Sales Results

“Jill presents a dynamic unique message to experienced sales people like me. Most informative sales seminar I have ever been to.  My mind opened up to her new ideas and techniques. And her energy and pre-session research with our group was unprecedented!” – Sales Representative, Exhibition Management Service